22 research outputs found

    Modular Echo State Neural Networks in Time Series Prediction

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    Echo State neural networks (ESN), which are a special case of recurrent neural networks, are studied from the viewpoint of their learning ability, with a goal to achieve their greater predictive ability. In this paper we study the influence of the memory length on predictive abilities of Echo State neural networks. The conclusion is that Echo State neural networks with fixed memory length can have troubles with adaptation of its intrinsic dynamics to dynamics of the prediction task. Therefore, we have tried to create complex prediction system as a combination of the local expert Echo State neural networks with different memory length and one special gating Echo State neural network. This approach was tested in laser fluctuations and turbojet gas temperature prediction. The prediction error achieved by this approach was substantially smaller in comparison with prediction error achieved by standard Echo State neural networks

    Analysis of Iterated Greedy Heuristic for Vertex Clique Covering

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    The aim of the vertex clique covering problem (CCP) is to cover the vertices of a graph with as few cliques as possible. We analyse the iterated greedy (IG) algorithm for CCP, which was previously shown to provide strong empirical results for real-world networks. It is demonstrated how the techniques of analysis for randomised search heuristics can be applied to IG, and several practically relevant results are obtained. We show that for triangle-free graphs, IG solves CCP optimally in expected polynomial time. Secondly, we show that IG finds the optimum for CCP in a specific case of sparse random graphs in expected polynomial time with high probability. For Barabási-Albert model of scale-free networks, which is a canonical model explaining the growth of social, biological or computer networks, we obtain that IG obtains an asymptotically optimal approximation in polynomial time in expectation. Last but not least, we propose a slightly modified variant of IG, which guarantees expected polynomial-time convergence to the optimum for graphs with non-overlapping triangles

    Testamentary succession

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    Dědické právo doznalo přijetím nového občanského zákoníku výrazných změn. Jeho hlavním účelem je ale stále úprava přechodu pozůstalosti ze zůstavitele na jeho dědice a s tím související problémy. Tato práce se zabývá děděním ze závěti, tedy jedním ze tří důvodů dědického nástupnictví. Druhým je zákonná posloupnost, která se uplatní v situaci, kdy zůstavitel nepořídil závěť. Posledním dědickým titulem je dědická smlouva mezi zůstavitelem a dědici, která rozdělí dědictví mezi druhé jmenované. Dědická smlouva má větší právní sílu než závěť a intestátní posloupnost se použije jen, pokud zde není ani jeden z předchozích dědických titulů. Tato práce sestává z pěti kapitol. První kapitola poskytuje stručný úvod do historie dědického práva na našem území a představuje cíl práce. Druhá kapitola se zabývá obecnými otázkami celého dědického práva, je rozdělena do tří podkapitol, které pojednávají o základních zásadách dědického práva, jeho právních pramenech a také o předpokladech dědění, kterými jsou smrt zůstavitele, dědická způsobilost, existence pozůstalosti a právního důvodu dědění. Také jmenuje možnosti dědiců dědictví se zřeknout, odmítnout ho nebo se ho vzdát. Třetí kapitola se soustředí na hlavní téma této práce, jímž je dědění ze závěti. Skládá se z deseti podkapitol. První se pokouší podat definici závěti....The law of succession has been changed a lot by enacting the new Civil Code in many ways but its main purpose is still to regulate the succession of inheritance from testator to heirs and related problems. This thesis makes an analysis of testate succession, which is one of the three possibilities of inheritance succession. The second is an intestate succession, which applies in the situation, when testator did not wrote last will. The last possibility is a contract between testator and heirs distributing inheritance between the latter. This contract has bigger legal force than last will and intestate succession is used, if there is none of them. The thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter One provides a brief introduction to history of the law of succession in our territory and presents the purpose of the thesis. Chapter Two deals with the questions common to the whole law of succession, it is divided in three subchapters, which talk about the main principles of the law of succession and legal rules regulating it and also about preconditions of succession, which include death of testator, subjective law of succession, existence of inheritance and legal ground to the succession. It also names possibility of heirs to reject inheritance. Chapter Three is concerned with the main theme of the thesis, which is...Department of Civil LawKatedra občanského právaPrávnická fakultaFaculty of La

    Analysis of an iterated greedy heuristic for vertex clique covering

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    The aim of the vertex clique covering problem (CCP) is to cover the vertices of a graph with as few cliques as possible. We analyse the iterated greedy (IG) algorithm for CCP, which was previously shown to provide strong empirical results for real-world networks. It is demonstrated how the techniques of analysis for randomised search heuristics can be applied to IG, and several practically relevant results are obtained. We show that for triangle-free graphs, IG solves CCP optimally in expected polynomial time. Secondly, we show that IG finds the optimum for CCP in a specific case of sparse random graphs in expected polynomial time with high probability. For Baraba´si-Albert model of scale-free networks, which is a canonical model explaining the growth of social, biological or computer networks, we obtain that IG obtains an asymptotically optimal approximation in polynomial time in expectation. Last but not least, we propose a slightly modified variant of IG, which guarantees expected polynomial-time convergence to the optimum for graphs with non-overlapping triangles

    Supply chain of Telefónica O2 Czech Republic a.s.

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    Bakalářská práce se věnuje toku zboží ve skladu technologií společnosti Telefónica O2 Czech Republic a.s. Cílem práce je popis skladu technologií, jeho chod a tok materiálu tímto skladem. Dále se práce zaměřuje na problémy, které se ve skladu vyskytly a jejich řešení. Práce je rozdělena na dvě části - teoretickou a praktickou. Teoretická část se věnuje obecně skladům, skladování, manipulační technice a řízení zásob. Praktická část pojednává o skladu technologií společnosti Telefónica O2. Tato část je neveřejná

    Groupage service in maritime transportation and export from Czech Republic

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    The topic of this thesis is groupage service in maritime transportation and its use for export out of Czech Republic. In the theoretical and methodological part I am defining the main terms in maritime transportation and maritime transportation in general. In the thesis I am describing the role of maritime transportation in the Czech Republic emphasized by statistics. Further I am writing about containerization and main container types because those are very important for the groupage service. In the practical part I am describing the processes of exports groupage service (LCL) within company Austromar spol. s r.o. on which I am applying business cases to to show how those processes work in reality. One of the business cases is transportation of hazardous material. In the last part of thesis I am comparing the direct and non-direct container with example of the freight charges calculation

    Tok zboží ve firmě Telefónica O2 Czech Republic a.s.

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    Bakalářská práce se věnuje toku zboží ve skladu technologií společnosti Telefónica O2 Czech Republic a.s. Cílem práce je popis skladu technologií, jeho chod a tok materiálu tímto skladem. Dále se práce zaměřuje na problémy, které se ve skladu vyskytly a jejich řešení. Práce je rozdělena na dvě části - teoretickou a praktickou. Teoretická část se věnuje obecně skladům, skladování, manipulační technice a řízení zásob. Praktická část pojednává o skladu technologií společnosti Telefónica O2. Tato část je neveřejná

    Testamentary succession

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    The law of succession has been changed a lot by enacting the new Civil Code in many ways but its main purpose is still to regulate the succession of inheritance from testator to heirs and related problems. This thesis makes an analysis of testate succession, which is one of the three possibilities of inheritance succession. The second is an intestate succession, which applies in the situation, when testator did not wrote last will. The last possibility is a contract between testator and heirs distributing inheritance between the latter. This contract has bigger legal force than last will and intestate succession is used, if there is none of them. The thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter One provides a brief introduction to history of the law of succession in our territory and presents the purpose of the thesis. Chapter Two deals with the questions common to the whole law of succession, it is divided in three subchapters, which talk about the main principles of the law of succession and legal rules regulating it and also about preconditions of succession, which include death of testator, subjective law of succession, existence of inheritance and legal ground to the succession. It also names possibility of heirs to reject inheritance. Chapter Three is concerned with the main theme of the thesis, which is..